The Real Paper (Howard Garsh) collection
Content Description
The Real Paper was an alternative newspaper printed in the Boston area from 1972-1981. Founded by former former Phoenix employees following a dispute with management in 1972, the paper was bought by the Boston Phoenix in 1981. The collection consists of 26 bound volumes of The Real Paper dating from August 2, 1972-July 5, 1980 (Volume 4, April-June 1975 is missing). The collection is unprocessed. The collection will be added to the Phoenix Media/Communications Group collection. 101/10 Accessioned 2015 Dec 17.
Restrictions Apply
Use Restrictions
Requests for permission to publish from this collection should be discussed with the University Archivist.
- Creation: 1972-1980
9 cubic feet (9 cubic feet in 26 bound volumes.)
- Garsh, Howard (Person)
- Garsh, Howard (Person)
- The Real Paper (Boston, Mass.) (Organization)