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Frederic D. MacNeil papers

 Unprocessed — Box: 1
Identifier: Z15-014

Content Description

Frederic D. MacNeil graduated from Wentworth Institute (now Wentworth Institute of Technology) in 1930, with a degree in Architectural Construction. Also a member of this graduating class was future Massachusetts Governor John A. Volpe. Marilyn Levandoski is the step daughter-in-law of Frederic MacNeil. The collection consists of photographs, slides, and a graduation program related to the Wentworth Institute Architectural Construction class of 1930, The collection also includes a letter from John Volpe to MacNeil regarding a 25th class reunion in 1955. The collection is unprocessed. Add to M67. Accessioned 2015 Mar 20 46/1

Restrictions Apply


Use Restrictions

Requests for permission to publish from this collection should be discussed with the University Archivist.


  • Creation: n.d., 1930-1955


0.15 cubic feet (0.15 cubic feet in 1 half manuscript box.)