School of Nursing records
Content Description
In 1997, the College of Nursing merged with the Bouvé College of Health Sciences, continuing its graduate and undergraduate programs as the School of Nursing within Bouvé. The merger was intended to raise the profile of health sciences programs at Northeastern and to improve opportunities for collaboration across the health sciences. In 1995, the College of Nursing, along with the Boston–based Center for Community Health Education and Research (CCHER), founded the Health Careers Academy, a high school program focused on the health professions; the School of Nursing continued to support the program after the merger with Bouvé. In 2002, the School of Nursing and other Bouvé programs moved into the new Behrakis Health Sciences Center. The School worked to expand its offerings, adding new degree and certificate programs. A PhD in nursing was introduced in 2007, and a doctorate of nursing practice in 2009. The School created a dual degree Bachelor of Science in nursing (BSN) and Master of Science (MS) program for registered nurses with an associate's degree, and a program for licensed practical nurses to earn the BSN. The School also developed a school nurse certification program; a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study or CAGS programs in adult acute care, neonatal nursing, primary care, and nursing administration; and non–degree career advancement programs in areas such as perioperative nursing and holistic health. The School of Nursing also offers a variety of continuing education programs in areas such as emergency room nursing; conferences such as “Primary Care for the Underserved;” and a refresher course for nurses re–entering clinical practice. The School also worked to support faculty research interests, involve students in community outreach, and attract highly qualified researchers and faculty members to the school. The collection consists of one Spring 1997 School of Nursing Self Study Report, along with an undated Narrative and Appendices. The collection is unprocessed. Process with Z15-010. Accessioned 2015 Mar 19. 46/1
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Records are closed for 25 years from their date of creation, unless researchers have written permission from the creating office.
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Requests for permission to publish from this collection should be discussed with the University Archivist.
- Creation: n.d., 1997
0.15 cubic feet (0.15 cubic feet in 1 half-manuscript box.)