University Libraries records
Content Description
The Northeastern University (NU) Libraries began as a small collection of books that comprised the library at the Berkeley Street YMCA. Myra White was appointed the first NU librarian in the mid-1930s. By 1953, NU had its own library building, Dodge Hall. Roland H. Moody became the first director of NU's library and led the library in a period of expansion and reorganization that reflected NU's educational aims; collection size more than doubled, staff and budgets grew, and the library engaged the NU community by offering workshops about library use and by providing library liaisons to academic departments. In 1959, the library was named the Dodge Library after Robert Gray Dodge, who gave the first lecture at NU's Law School in October, 1897. In 1963, the NU Library became an official repository of government documents. In 1966, the Learning Resources Center was created, which removed responsibility for materials other than monographs and serials from the library. In 1975, the Center was reunited with the library, and Moody became Dean of University Libraries and Learning Resources. Beginning in 1981, NU began campaigning for a larger library facility. The new $35 million library and resource center was completed in the fall of 1990 and was named after George Snell to honor his donation, the largest single alumni donation in Northeastern's history at the time. The collection consists of documents and memorabilia related to the 25th anniversary of Snell Library in 2015. Included are pens, pins, business card holders and an invitation. The collection is unprocessed. 46/4 Accessioned 2015 Dec 11.
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Requests for permission to publish from this collection should be discussed with the University Archivist.
- Creation: n.d., 2015
0.15 cubic feet (0.15 cubic feet in 1 half-manuscript box.)
- Northeastern University (Boston, Mass.).. Libraries (Organization)
- Northeastern University (Boston, Mass.). Libraries (Organization)