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Facilities Division records

 Unprocessed — Box: 1
Identifier: Z09-029

Content Description

Add to A94. Phase One Master Plan Signage and Environmental Design. The collection is unprocessed. Since its founding in 1896, Northeastern University has expanded its campus from a few buildings on Huntington Avenue to a sprawling campus. After initially renting space in the Botolph Building and the Boston Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), the University built its first building, Richards Hall, in 1939, and continued to grow from there. A push towards building dormitory spaces in the 1960s helped to transform the University from a commuter college to a residential college. At the same time, the University continued to construct new academic spaces and began buying properties outside of Boston, including properties in Ashland, Woburn, Lexington, and Burlington. These land acquisitions were used to facilitate extracurricular programs, alumni events, and housing for the president of the University at Henderson House. Today the University is looking towards building both residential and academic spaces. The most recent building, West Village F, finished in 2006, meets a combination of needs by being both a dormitory and housing the African–American Institute. 45/1 Accessioned 2008 Dec 23.

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Use Restrictions

Requests for permission to publish material from this collection should be discussed with the University Archivist.


  • Creation: 1986


0.15 cubic feet (0.15 cubic feet in 1 half-manuscript box.)