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Rowe, Richard J. (Assistant Director of Athletics) Correspondence (2 folders), 1954-1955

 File — Box: 3


From the Series:

Sub-series A. Administration largely contains the business records of the Department of Athletics and its various officers.  The sub-series spans 1925-2004, but the bulk represents the years of Herbert Gallagher's tenure of Athletic Director, 1953-1977.  The sub-series includes contracts for sporting events (box 1, folders 30-37), records from the office of the Business Manager (box 2, folders 97-98; box 3, folders 124-125), and records from the office of the assistant Director of Athletics (box 3, folders 127-132).  Also included in the sub-series are records from the office of Cooperative Work (box 3, folders 187-190), and records relating to sports publicity (box 1, folders 26-27; box 2, folders 85-87; box 3, folder 126). The emergence of Crew as a varsity sport in the 1960's is documented in this sub-series, including the proposal to establish crew as a major sport (box 1, folders 38-39).  The correspondence of Herbert Gallagher from 1950-1968 is included in the sub-series (box 2, folder 64-79), along with the correspondence of Edward Parsons from 1945-1958. Parsons was Gallagher's predecessor, and the correspondence includes several letters from students and colleagues written from Europe detailing their experiences in World War II (box 2, folder 104).  He stepped down in 1953 to become Northeastern's Business Manager. Also in this sub-series are the records of Irwin Cohen, who served as Athletic Director from 1983-1996. The majority of Cohen's records are correspondence and memos including correspondence with John Curry, Philip T. Crotty, Robert Culver, John D. O'Bryant and Phyllis Schaen (box 15, folders 572-583).Sub-series B. Varsity Club Hall of Fame contains files for each inductee, consisting of biographical data, induction programs, newspaper clippings, notes, photographs, press releases, and travel sheets. In addition, there are 3 folders of administrative material consisting of by-laws, constitutions, and committee meeting reports. There were no inductees for the years of 1998 and 2007. Additional material can be found in Subseries A: Administration. A sortable index of inductees is available online at

Sub-series C. Baseball spans 1932-1999, with the bulk of the material documenting the period 1944-1969.  The subseries includes a 1932 baseball banquet program, when Herbert Gallagher was a member of the team (box 4, folder 194), articles about the team (box 4, folder 193), programs and schedules (box 4, folders 212, 214), correspondence concerning the team and prospective game officials (box 4, folders 199-207, 211), a program commemorating the First World Series which was played in 1903 at Huntington Avenue American League Baseball Grounds (box 4, folder 197), and correspondence concerning the eligibility of R. Flynn to play baseball for Northeastern University. Mr. Flynn played professional baseball for a brief period of time before enrolling at Northeastern where he hoped to play collegiate baseball.  The correspondence details the legal issues involved in determining amateur status in 1954 (box 4, folder 198). This sub-series also includes baseball scorebooks (box 20) spanning 1939-1980, with gaps.

Sub-series D. Basketball contains records spanning 1942-2008. The sub-series includes correspondence concerning the team and prospective game officials (box 4, folders 224-226, 229-232), the correspondence of basketball coach Richard Dukeshire (box 4, folders 218-223), programs and schedules (box 4, folders 233-235), brochures for basketball coach Jim Calhoun's Husky Basketball School (box 4, folder 215), score books (box 4), and films and VHS tapes of men's and women's basketball games (location 25/1/7, 25/2/1-4, 25/3/7, 30/1/1-2, boxes 41-52).

Sub-series E. Cross Country and Track and Field contains records spanning 1921-98, but the bulk of the records spans 1987 to 1997.  The sub-series includes correspondence concerning the teams (box 5, folders 237-239, 252-256), programs (box 5, folders 240, 245-247), and the records of coach Gerald R. Tatton (box 5, folders 248-251) and of coach Irwin Cohen (box 15, folders 539-552, 584-587). The bulk of Cohen's records consist of correspondence, memos, rosters and track meet schedules. Cohen's records also include appointment books (box 16, folders 586-587) that record team workouts from 1963-1966 and correspondence with Joseph P. Zabilski that spans 1981-1983 (box 15, folders 584-585). This subseries also contains Cross Country and Track and Field programs from Northeastern track meets and championships (boxes 16-18, folders 588-590, 626-662) from both Men's and Women's programs. The bulk of the programs are from championships sponsored by outside organizations, like the Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athletes of America and the National Collegiate Athletic Association. Programs from distinctive meets, such as invitationals and relays, are also included. The Records and Schedules folders encompass statistics, top running times, rosters, schedules and results from both Cross Country and Track and Field events (box 16, folders 591-611, 617-625 and boxes 18-19, folders 663-731).

Sub-series F. Football contains records spanning 1933-1996.  The sub-series includes correspondence concerning the football team and prospective game officials (box 5, folders 264-270, 272-274), correspondence of Coach Joseph Zabilski who succeeded Herbert Gallagher as Athletic Director (box 6, folders 284-291), programs and press releases (box 5, folders 276-282), and films of football games (location 24/3/4-7, 24/4/1-7, 25/1/1-7), as well as videotapes of football games from 2000-2003 (boxes 23-27).

Sub-series G. Ice Hockey contains records spanning 1931 to 2003. The bulk of the sub-series covers 1942-1961.  The sub-series includes correspondence concerning the team and prospective game officials (box 6, folders 298-301), correspondence about hockey arenas (box 6 folders 295-296), programs (box 6, folder 302), score books (box 6), and films and VHS tapes of hockey games (location 25/2/3, box 40).

Sub-series H. Outside Associations and Committees contains records that deal with the various intercollegiate athletic associations and committees that Northeastern University belonged to and/or Herbert Gallagher served as a member of, from 1931-1968.  The sub-series includes records of regional and national organizations concerning most of the sports in which Northeastern competes.  Also included in sub-series G. are records concerning the United States Olympic Committee, which Gallagher chaired (box 9, folders 375-380).

Sub-series I. Phil Bissell Cartoons contains original cartoons and program artwork by Phil Bissell. Bissell is a prominent Boston area sports cartoonist who worked for the Boston Herald and Boston Globe (1953-1965), where in 1960 he created the original “Pat Patriot” logo for the Boston (now New England) Patriots. Covering the years 1964-1985, this collection of Northeastern Athletics cartoons includes artwork for game day programs and cartoons celebrating individual achievements by Northeastern athletes and coaches. Football and Men's Ice Hockey receive the most attention, but Bissell covers a wide range of Northeastern sports teams.


  • Creation: 1954-1955


Conditions Governing Access:

Records are closed for 25 years from the date of their creation, unless researchers have written permission from the creating office. Personnel and student records are closed for 75 years from their date of creation.


From the Collection: 165.80 cubic feet (55 containers, 1,667 reels of film, 7 flat file folders)


From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections Repository

Snell Library
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston MA 02115 US