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Audio-Visual Materials



From the Series:

Series 2 contains audio-visual materials, photographs, slides, negatives, and scrapbooks.

The audio-visual material (boxes 25-26) document many BGHH programs and events held between 1973 and 1999. Most of this material has been captured on VHS videotape format, but other formats were used including 16-mm film, U-Matic videocassette, videotape reel, and reel-to-reel audiotape. Most of these items were titled and dated.

Photographs (boxes 17-24) have...
been categorized according to five themes: buildings, equipment, events, people, and programs. The photographs document BGHH from 1920-2002. The buildings section concentrates on the properties owned on Commonwealth Ave. Other photographs of BGHH facilities may be found in the scrapbooks.

Photographs of BGHH programs have been organized into four sections: classes, the Guild Mobile Testing Unit, plays and performances, and presentations. Photographs including people affiliated with BGHH have been organized into five categories. There are photographs of celebrities and noted personalities who had some connection with the organization. Included are photographs of Alexander Graham Bell, former United States presidents and first ladies including John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon and Pat Nixon, Massachusetts governors such as Michael Dukakis, senators and congressman, like Edward Kennedy, journalists, and Hollywood stars. The children section contains photographs of children helped by the BGHH. The founders and presidents section documents the members who were influential in establishing and leading the organization, including the three women who founded the group, Mildred Kennedy, Anna Staples, and Clara Ziegler. There are also photographs of Guild members and Guild parties, including long-time executive director Clare Kennedy.

The series also contains numerous photographs of BGHH events between 1964 and 1996, with a bulk of photographs from the late 1970s and early 1990s. Some prominent events include the Board of Directors Meeting with former U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop (1989) and actor Richard Dysart (1990), fund raisers, award ceremonies, and the 80th anniversary celebration of the BGHH (1996).

For early photographs of BGHH facilities, people, and events, also consult the scrapbooks which provided detailed documentation of all aspects of the Guild, particularly between 1916 and 1953. BGHH members meticulously clipped mentions of Guild activities and members from newspapers and assembled them in the scrapbooks, alongside many photographs, brochures, event programs, invitations, and letters. The original order of the scrapbooks has been maintained; however, all newspaper clippings have been photocopied.

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  • Creation: 1920-2002 (bulk 1960-1995)


Conditions Governing Access:

The collection is unrestricted.


From the Collection: 17.25 cubic feet (32 containers, 1 flat file folder, 2 art files)


From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections Repository

Snell Library
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston MA 02115 US