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2. Governance, 1961-2008



This series documents the activities of the Board of Directors and its committees working together with Executive Director's office to set goals, objectives, and policies. Also documented is United South End Settlement's role in urban renewal in the South End; community organization; the planning, and building of the new Harriet Tubman House; and the histories of such organizations as the South End Development Corporation and Action for Boston Community Development. The activities of the Board's committees, particularly the Executive, Budget Review, Strategic Planning, and Nominating committees, are also documented. This series consists of annual reports, and Board of Directors, Board committees, and special board meeting minutes. The annual reports document the agency's programs, funding, fundraising, special events, and future plans. Annual reports are missing for the years 1984-1987 and 1991-1992 and 2001-2006.

Board records include by-laws; agendas and minutes of monthly, special, and annual meetings; and agendas and minutes of the standing committees. Also included is correspondence to and from board members, executive directors, funders, outside organizations, and local government officials. Reports by the executive director concerning the status of all programs, development activities, staff changes, and facilities; and reports from the Castle Square Demonstration project, program descriptions, and personnel manuals are also included. Board of Directors minutes date from 1961-1999. Missing from the collection are Board of Directors meeting minutes for Feb 1961-Nov 1965, Apr 1966-Dec 1967, Apr 1971-Nov 1971, Jan and Mar-December 1972, 1973, Jan-Sept 1974, and Dec 1979.

Of special interest is the lawsuit by the Community Assembly for a United South End filed by Mel King, which sought to prohibit United South End Settlements' collaboration with the Boston Redevelopment Authority during urban renewal (Box 6); and F. Douglas Cochrane's correspondence for its background information on United South End Settlements from 1963-1970. Correspondents include Charles Liddell, Henry Newell, Frederick Taylor, and Kenneth Brown

(Box 6). Also of interest are reports submitted to United Community Services (United Way) from 1961-1969. These reports contain information on programs, activities, services, and statistics provided by the individual facilities that comprised the United South End Settlements prior to the new Harriet Tubman House (the Children's Art Center, South Bay Union, Harriet Tubman and Lincoln houses, 48 Rutland, 20 Union Park, the Shawmut Neighborhood Center, and the Community Services Center) (Box 6). These are the only records in the collection that document the activities of the individual centers. Also of special interest is the Castle Square Demonstration project final report, which describes the efforts on behalf of United South End Settlements during urban renewal to relocate families living in that area (Box 6).


  • Creation: 1961-2008


Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Materials entirely in English.

Conditions Governing Access:

Files containing client information are restricted for 75 years from the date of their creation. Please contact the University Archivist for more information.


From the Collection: 99.3 cubic feet (95 containers, 35 flat file folders, 2 tubes)



Physical Description

6.3 cubic ft.

Repository Details

Part of the Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections Repository

Snell Library
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston MA 02115 US