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Search Committee, 1996

 File — Box: 54


From the Series:

This series documents the planning and implementation of United South End Settlements' programs and services, including fundraising efforts, arts and culture programming, and special events.

Subseries A. Program Directors documents program and curriculum development, departmental restructuring, and funding from public and private sources. Also documented are special events planning, and fundraising. Records include program descriptions, evaluations, and statistics; budgets; exhibition and events calendars; progress reports for grants and contracts, and adult education curriculum; and correspondence to and from the executive director, funders, and outside agencies. Minutes document director, staff, coordinator, and committee meetings including Strategic Planning, Management, and Personnel committees. Also included are Camp Hale, soil and water reports, facilities reports, camping licenses, and site maps. In addition, newsletters from the Camp Hale Alumni Association and United South End Settlement programs as well as newsletters from outside organizations, such as La Alianza Hispana, Tent City, Kush Club Teen Arts Co-op, and the South End Adult Education Coalition which were retained for local context are included. Newspaper clippings concerning United South End programs, including Camp Hale, the Children's Art Centre, and exhibits at the Harriet Tubman Gallery are also included.

Subseries B. Program Coordinators documents the implementation of United South End Settlements programs: Adult Education and Training, Technology, Arts and Cultural, Family Support, and Family Education. Also documented are employment and vocational training; computer instruction, the Harriet Tubman Gallery, the Children's Art Center, Camp Hale, and pre and after-school programs. Programs and events held the Harriet Tubman House and the Harriet Tubman Resource Center are also documented. In addition, fundraising events, such as the Hi-Hat Cabaret Night, Camp Hale's Centennial celebration, and Viva Frieda! are documented. The plans for the sculpture Emancipation, its unveiling, and the planning of Harriet Tubman Park in the South End are documented. Records include annual reports from the Children's Art Centre from 1961-1970; curriculum for adult literacy classes, including the Central Artery / Tunnel, and prevocational and office skills programs; artist biographies and resumes; student enrollments and class lists; budgets; proposals and program progress reports for grants and contracts; and event and exhibition schedules for the Harriet Tubman Gallery and the Children's Art Centre. Correspondence to and from program coordinators and directors, funders, artists, executive directors, and other staff; minutes from program coordinators meetings and United South End Settlements committees including Core and Management teams, strategic planning, and directors and managers minutes are also included. Newspaper clippings contain stories about the Children's Art Centre; exhibits at the Harriet Tubman Gallery; fundraising events, such as the series Community Conversations with Anne McQueen and Lou Jones; and programs including Camp Hale, Teen Portfolio, and summer computer camp.

Subseries C. Programs documents the implementation of United South End Settlement programs. The records contained in this subseries were generated by program staff other than directors and coordinators. The subseries documents the Arts Incentives, the Harriet Tubman Gallery, Family Support, including pre and after-school, and the Washington Street Tenants Association programs, and the South End Center for Adult Education. In addition, Adult Education and Training; the Local Development of the South End, an economic development program for minority business start-ups; Camp Winning Farms; and the Pharmacy Benefits programs are documented. Records include minutes of staff and directors meetings; correspondence to and from program staff, artists, and executive directors; program descriptions and outcomes; and schedules of events and exhibits. Also included are newsletters from the Arts Incentives and pre and after school programs; menus from Older Adult hot lunch program; and scrapbooks containing program descriptions, events, and newspaper clippings regarding the Children's Art Centre. Class lists and student enrollments are also included.

Of special interest are the records of Local Development of the South End (Box 58-59). Also of special interest are the evaluations of the Community Services Center from 1960-1963, which was a cooperative venture between United South End Settlements, the Boston Housing Authority, and the University of Massachusetts, Boston, and operated out of the South End Housing Development. Programs included family support services, such as homemaking and money management, counseling, tutoring, and the Teen Council (Box 58). Also of interest is the Castle Square Outreach, which describes the services available to residents of that area; the Neighborhood Newcomers Program report contains information about the Puerto Rican population in the South End; and the Children's Art Centre's annual reports (Box 47).


  • Creation: 1996


Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Materials entirely in English.

Conditions Governing Access:

Files containing client information are restricted for 75 years from the date of their creation. Please contact the University Archivist for more information.


From the Collection: 99.3 cubic feet (95 containers, 35 flat file folders, 2 tubes)

Repository Details

Part of the Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections Repository

Snell Library
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston MA 02115 US