Scope and Content Note
The Kelley Ready papers document Ready's commitment to the work of human rights organizations on behalf of women in Latin American countries, especially El Salvador, between 1981 and 1994. The collection includes records from Building with the Voiceless of El Salvador (BVES), CoMadres, Friends of CoMadres, and Women's International Network for Development and Democracy in El Salvador (WINDS), which comprise the bulk of this collection. Records include correspondence, newspaper clippings, posters, budgets, meeting minutes, bulletins, and testimonies. This collection also includes records from additional organizations, including the Latin American Federation of Families of Disappeared Prisoners (FEDEFAM), the Comité de familiares pro-libertad de presos, desaparecidos políticos de El Salvador (CODEFAM), the National Federation of Salvadoran Workers (FENASTRA), Rapid Response Network, Somos Hernandes, Women Across Borders, Women's Convoy to Central America and El Rescate. Of particular interest are records relating to the New England tour of El Salvadorian CoMadres representatives, America Sosa and Maria Teresa Tula, who were imprisoned and tortured by the El Salvadorian government. Researchers should note many materials are in Spanish.
- Creation: 1981-1994
- Creation: Majority of material found within 1985-1989
- Ready, Kelley (Person)
Conditions Governing Access:
The collection is unrestricted.
Conditions Governing Reproduction and Use:
Requests for permission to publish material from this collection should be discussed with the University Archivist.
Historical Note
Kelley Ready is a human rights activist and anthropology professor. In 1985, she went to Nicaragua for five weeks to learn about the lives of poor working class Nicaraguans. After this, she became active in various human rights organizations, particularly those benefiting Central American women.
Ready was especially active in the organization Friends of Committee of Mothers and Relatives of Political Prisoners, Disappeared and Assassinated of El Salvador, Monsignor "Oscar Arnulfo Romero" (CoMadres). This group supports the parent organization Committee of Mothers and Relatives of Political Prisoners, Disappeared and Assassinated of El Salvador, Monsignor "Oscar Arnulfo Romero" (CoMadres) by writing letters, holding meetings and events to make their struggles known, and providing financial support. Friends have several chapters through the United States; Ready was a member of the Boston chapter. CoMadres was founded in December 1977 by El Salvadorian women as a support group to help women find family members who had been abducted by the El Salvadorian government as political prisoners. In November 1984, the organization received the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award. In English, CoMadres roughly translates to Committee of Mothers and Relatives of Political Prisoners, Disappeared and Assassinated of El Salvador, Monsignor Oscar Arnulfo Romero. In El Salvador, a civil war started in 1980 shortly after the murder of Archbishop Oscar Romero. Between the right-wing Nationalist Republican Alliance (ARENA) party and leftist anti- government guerrilla units, whose leading group was the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN). During the 12 year war, 75,000 people were killed.
For CoMadres, Ready helped to organize events and meetings, often giving speeches. She translated letters into Spanish and wrote letters to prominent people, such as singer Bonnie Raitt and U.S. Congressmen, addressing the plight of the El Salvadorian women and seeking financial support. In addition, she helped to bring two El Salvadorian representatives, America Sosa and Maria Teresa Tula, who themselves were tortured and beaten by the El Salvadorian government, to Boston, so they could share first-hand accounts of the atrocities.
CoMadres was a supporter of other organizations, such as Latin American Federation of Families of Disappeared Prisoners (FEDEFAM) and Building with the Voiceless of El Salvador (BVES), and it helped to establish the Women's International Network for Development and Democracy in El Salvador (WINDS). The Latin American Federation of Families of Disappeared Prisoners (FEDEFAM) is a Latin American consortium, including Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Peru, that works to eliminate human rights abuses. Building with the Voiceless of El Salvador (BVES) is an international support campaign that promotes the self-development of rural and urban communities. In March 1989, the group organized a caravan to El Salvador, for which people from American and Canada drove trucks containing humanitarian aid, to the poorest regions of El Salvador. The Women's International Network for Development and Democracy in El Salvador (WINDS) was created in 1990 as a coalition to support human rights and professional, religious, and community development of Salvadoran women from a variety of economic sectors. CoMadres promoted these organizations by letting them use their office space and providing financial support.
Ready was a visiting assistant professor at Northeastern University in the Department of Anthropology from 2000 to 2002.
1.00 cubic feet (1 container)
Kelley Ready is a human rights activist and anthropology professor. She was especially active in the organization Friends of Committee of Mothers and Relatives of Political Prisoners, Disappeared and Assassinated of El Salvador, Monsignor "Oscar Arnulfo Romero" (CoMadres). This group supports the parent organization CoMadres by writing letters, holding meetings and events to make their struggles known, and providing financial support. The main organization was founded in December 1977 by El Salvadorian women as a support group to help women find family members who had been abducted by the El Salvadorian government as political prisoners. The group also worked with other organizations, including Latin American Federation of Families of Disappeared Prisoners (FEDEFAM), and Building with the Voiceless of El Salvador (BVES). They also helped to create the Women's International Network for Development and Democracy in El Salvador in 1990. Ready was a visiting assistant professor at Northeastern University in the Department of Anthropology from 2000 to 2002.
The Kelley Ready papers document Ready's commitment to the work of human rights organizations on behalf of women in Latin American countries, especially El Salvador, between 1981 and 1994. The collection includes records from Building with the Voiceless of El Salvador (BVES), CoMadres, Friends of CoMadres, and Women's International Network for Development and Democracy (WINDS) in El Salvador, among many others. Records include correspondence, newspaper clippings, posters, budgets, meeting minutes, bulletins, and testimonies. Of particular interest are records relating to the New England tour of El Salvadorian representatives, America Sosa and Maria Teresa Tula, who were imprisoned and tortured by the El Salvadorian government.
System of Arrangement:
Arranged in one alphabetical sequence.
Physical Location
- Ready, Kelley (Person)
- Sosa, America (Person)
- Tula, Maria Teresa (Person)
- Building with the Voiceless of El Salvador (BVES) (Organization)
- Committee of Mothers and Relatives of Political Prisoners, Disappeared and Assassinated of El Salvador, Monsignor Oscar Arnulfo Romero (CoMadres) (Organization)
- Friends of CoMadres (Organization)
- Women's International Network for Development and Democracy in El Salvador (WINDS) (Organization)
- Civil rights -- El Salvador
- El Salvador -- Politics and government -- 1979-1992
- Feminism -- El Salvador
- State-sponsored terrorism -- El Salvador
- Women -- Central America
- Women -- Societies and clubs
- Women -- Violence against -- Central America
- Women political activists -- Central America
- Women's rights -- Central America
- Title
- Finding aid for the Kelley Ready Papers
- Author
- Finding aid prepared by Karen Arnold
- Date
- May 2003
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
Repository Details
Part of the Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections Repository