Box 15
Contains 215 Results:
W7944-7 / Richard W. Bishop, newly appointed Dean of University Relations, head and shoulders portrait, 01/19/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W7945-6 / Head and shoulders portrait of unidentified man, 01/19/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W7961 / Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) protests - file is missing, 01/20/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W7990-4 / Exhibits at New England Press Association (NEPA) college banners from BU, Curry, Babson and Emmanuel Colleges, 01/21/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W7973-24 / Dr. Reuben Margolin with rehabilitation equipment and students at the Veterans' Hospital, 01/23/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W7983A&B / Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) protests - file is missing, 01/21/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W7997-27 / Winter Carnival Queen candidates, 01/22/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8010-4 / Kappa Tau Phi officers with celebratory cake, 01/26/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8039-4 / Prof. Agelo Zucco, Continuing Education, 01/29/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8052-1 / Two young women at a desk, 01/30/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8053-1 / Jack R. Bohlen with President Asa Knowles upon his departure as V.P. Development (1964-1970), 02/02/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8064-105 / Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) protests - file is missing, 02/02/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8065-7 / Center for Continuing Education Seminar at Warren Center, Ashland, 02/02/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8121-13 / Copy negs. Of student anti-Vietnam War protesters, 02/07/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8126-1 / Continuing Education group at Henderson House, 02/07/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8132 / Boston Bouve Seminar- women in crafts class, 02/09/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8138-1 / Presentation of $1,000 check to President Asa Knowles from American Airlines Foundation representative, 02/09/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8145-1 / President Asa Knowles presenting envelope to Pershing Rifles ROTC cadet, 02/10/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8146-7 / Mr. Husky Campaign with candidates in costume in the Quad, 02/10/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8151-4 / Head and shoulders portrait of unidentified man, 02/11/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8168-1 / Prof. Laurence Cleveland, Electrical Engineering (Left, front row) with group of men at Henderson House, 02/11/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8189-1 / BS degree in Physical Therapy diploma being presented by President Asa Knowles to Diane Darrell with Dean of Bouve Catherine Allen looking on, 02/13/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8185-4 / Head and shoulders portrait of unidentified man, 02/13/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8203-1 / Majorette in costume, 02/17/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8211-4 / Dr, Dean Ammer, Director, Bureau of Economic Research, head and shoulders portrait, 02/18/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8212-4 / Mrs. Linda Patterson, Modern Languages, head and shoulders portrait, 02/18/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8215-1 / Nursing Home Administration seminar group, 02/17/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8229-2 / Outdoor Recreation exhibit, 02/19/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8241-8 / Exteriors of Dockser, Hurtig and Barletta Halls, 02/20/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8242-4 / Miss Morganstern (student) head and shoulders portrait, 02/21/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8249-16 / OTC Counselor's Workshop certificate presentations by Dean of Continuing Education Israel Katz at the Warren Center, 02/23/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8250-3 / Boston Bouve Pinning Ceremony, 02/23/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8254-6 / Head and shoulders portrait of two unidentified men, 02/24/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8259-22 / #20 Howard Jeffrey, Manager, Warren Center (Rest of shots are a Continuing Education seminar group), 02/25/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8256-4 / Prof. J. Ross Overcash, Natural Sciences, 02/24/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8268-2 / Four Students, 02/25/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8271-4 / Prof. Joseph Barbeau, Cooperative Education, 02/25/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8274-1 / Mary Hale, newly appointed Editor, Alumni Magazine, 02/25/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8282-1 / Tau Beta Pi certificate of achievement and $100 check presentation by President Asa Knowles to Kenneth Thomas, 02/26/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8301-2 / Prof. Bill Giessen (L), Chemistry, and Richard Bishop, Dir. Of University Relations, in chemistry laboratory, 02/27/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8309-1 / Nursing Home Administration seminar group, 03/02/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8310-5 / Sigma Epsilon Rho Honor fraternity- meeting, group photo and plaque presentation, 03/02/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8340-4 / Unidentifiable - registration payment, three people checking 3x5 cards, 03/05/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8365-4 / Prof. Borah Kreimer, Graphics, head and shoulders portrait, 03/09/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8367-16 / Center for Continuing Education certificates presentations by Dean Israel Katz to group to group of Black men and women, 03/09/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8373-4 / Head and shoulders of unidentified man, 03/10/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8374-1 / Physical Therapy student aides assisting elderly man in hospital bed at Massachusetts General Hospital, 03/10/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8384-1 / Presentation of Certificate of Achievement to and Community Scholarship award to Larry Stroup by unidentified man (may be certificate signatory Keith Bowen), 03/10/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8385-8 / Secretaries' Luncheon- check presentations to secretaries by President Asa Knowles with unidentified man looking on, 03/10/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
W8398-1 / Continuing Education course group photo at Henderson House, 03/11/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.