Box 17
Contains 181 Results:
M473-16 / #10 and 11 Dean Manning receiving Honorary Doctor of Laws degree, 12/21/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M493-6 / Mrs. Terman Head and shoulders portrait, 12/24/1970
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M554-12 / Edward Elliott, newly appointed Director of Alumni Relation, 01/08/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M581-1 / Continuing Education group photo with Dan Israel Katz, front and center, 01/15/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M593-1 / Handbook of College and University Administration. 2 volumes, by Asa S. Knowles, 01/18/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M628-1 / Dean of Nursing Juanita Long being sworn in by Governor Dwight Sargeant (position unknown), 01/22/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M634-10 / Joy Viola, editorial Assistant to the President, head and shoulders portrait, 01/22/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M654-2 / Head and shoulders portrait of two unidentified men. Copy negs., 01/27/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M660-8 / Prof. Patricia Morse, Biology, head and shoulders portrait, 01/27/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M667-1 / Head and shoulders portrait of unidentified woman. Copy neg., 01/28/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M671-4 / Nancy Caruso, Cooperative Education, (in striped dress) with two students and map of Europe discussing plans for international Coop assignments, 01/29/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M678-1 / Mr. Husky in costume, 01/29/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M681-3 / Unidentified man with book "Letters Writ By a Turkish Spy" Giovanni Marana, 01/29/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M683-1 / Head and shoulders portrait of unidentified young woman. Copy neg., 01/29/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M685-1 / New England Press Association (NEPA) luncheon- table shot, 01/27/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M688-1 / Dean of Nursing Juanita Long presenting check to Nursing student, 02/01/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M706-1 / Lucien Longtin, Chief of Police (town not known) at his desk with unidentified man reviewing letter. Copy neg., 02/03/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M712-1 / Dean of University College Kenneth Ballou (L) presenting 15 years of service on UC faculty certificate to James Early, 02/03/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M716-8 / Winter Carnival Queen candidates, individuality and as a group- latter with unidentified man, 02/04/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M721-4 / Head and shoulders of unidentified man, 02/04/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M732-6 / Donald Tucker, Department of Admissions Foreign Student applications processor, 02/05/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M747-6 / Chemistry Department - research diagrams, 02/09/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M774-2 / Professor Michael Woodnick at desk, 02/11/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M793-6 / Crowning of Winter Carnival Queen/ Queen and her court, 02/16/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M795-1 / William King, newly appointed Acting Dean of Lincoln College, 02/16/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M798-1 / Rudolf Oberg (retiring Director of Alumni Relations) at Hartford Hilton Alumni gathering, 02/17/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M822-5 / Bouve recreation classes- square dancing, crafts, games, 2/n.d./1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M832-1 / Group of students, Copy neg., 02/23/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M845-1 / Group of men at Henderson House, 02/26/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M855-1 / Dean of Business James Hekemian presenting check to woman student with unidentified man looking on, 03/01/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M862-3 / Two women students on bikes in Quadrangle, 03/01/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M863-1 / Continuing Education group of men at Henderson House, 03/01/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M871 / Physics research diagram, 03/02/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M877-1 / Unidentified man at desk, 03/03/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M886-1 / Student Activities check presentation- four unidentified students, 03/04/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M904-3 / #1 and 2 Presentation by President Asa Knowles to unidentified Bouve woman, 03/09/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M904-3 / #3 (L-R seated) President Asa Knowles and unidentified woman (L-R standing) Prof. Katherine Carlisle and Dean of Bouve College Catherine Allen, 03/09/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M914-1 / Continuing Education group of men at Henderson House, 03/09/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M929-5 / Chemistry research diagrams, 03/10/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M930-1 / Timothy Moran, Law Enforcement, head and shoulders portrait, 03/10/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M950-6 / Head and shoulders portrait of unidentified man, 03/12/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M953-3 / Students in class with TV monitor and notebook "Interact with Psychology", 03/12/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M959-1 / Continuing Education group at luncheon with Dean Israel Katz (standing at right), 03/15/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M962-1 / Continuing Education group at Henderson House, 03/15/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M971-12 / Staff five years of service awards presentations by President Asa Knowles to 12 secretaries (including Jo Anne Murphy and Ruth Emerson, now 25 year associates), 03/17/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M982-2 / Second Annual Arthur D. Little Lectureship presentation by Chemistry Chairman Karl Weiss (R) to Fred McLafferty. (L-R) Arthur D. Little representative, McLafferty, Prof. Barry Karger, and Karl Weiss, 03/18/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M985-5 / Establishment of NU Chapter of Sigma Delta Chi Professional Journalism Society with (center) President Asa Knowles, SDX national representative, and several NU students, 03/19/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M998-4 / Cooperative Education personnel with Prof. Alvah Borman (standing in #3 and 4), 03/22/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M1004-5 / Research diagrams, 03/23/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.
M1010-10 / Military Ball Queen candidates, 03/23/1971
Below is an index for W4484 - M4083, 1968-1972, for the Jet negative collection.