Box 55
Contains 58 Results:
R9175-B / Warren Buffet, 11/22/1996
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9176-L / Marino Center Dedication, 11/25/1996
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9183-A&B / Barnett Institute, 11/26/1996
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9186 / Varsity Club Dedication - Speakers, 11/27/1996
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9194-D / Lowell Institute Dedication, 12/05/1996
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9213-A&I / Jack Curry Farewell, 12/17/1996
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9244 / Inauguration Pres. Freeland, 01/17/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9242 / Inauguration Ball, 01/20/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9256c / School of Business - dinner and speaker, 02/03/1996
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9291 / Huntington Society, 02/28/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9298c / Breakfast with C.E.O. Steve Forbes, 03/05/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9317 / Hall of Fame - Joe Cash, 03/21/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9323-B / National Council - dinner and awards, 03/24/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9340-A&B / Continuing Education - Paralegal Awards, 04/08/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9354-A&C / School of Pharmacy Awards, 04/18/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9368 / C.E.O. Breakfast, 04/24/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9411-B / AEF Breakfast, 05/14/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9412 / George Makris Football Fund, 05/14/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9413-B / Co-op Awards - Ballroom, 05/14/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9415-A / Chemestry Lecture, 05/15/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9419-A / Internal Office Induction Ceremony, 05/16/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9426-B / Spear Society Induction - Weston Waltham, 04/18/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9429-A&B / Senior Faculty Awards, 05/19/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9430c / Retirement - Barbara Burke, 05/19/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9431-A / Sports Hall of Fame, 05/19/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9449-D / Law Commencement, 05/28/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9455-B / Annual Meeting, 06/02/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9459-C / Honors Awards, 06/03/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9461-A / Chemistry Lecture Series - Hurtig, 06/03/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9470-A / Henderson House Senior Academic Awards, 06/09/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9471 / Alumni Awards, 06/09/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9472-A / Retiree Dinner - Henderson House, 06/09/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9474 / Dedication of Nicholson Park, 06/08/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9475-D / Dedication of Levine Hall, 06/11/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9478-E / Retirement of Dean Jordan, 06/11/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9482C / MBA C.E.O. Breakfast, 06/11/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9483-A&H / School of Criminal Justice - Ruffin Society Convocation, 06/11/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9487 / Political Science Department Dinner and Awards, 06/14/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9488c / Pops, 06/16/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9489-A&D / Accounting Department - unidentified people, 06/16/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9490-A&C / Pharmacy Commencement, 06/16/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9494 / Dinner with the Archbishop and Cardinal, 06/17/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9495-N / Morning Commencement, 06/18/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9496-J / Afternoon Commencement, 06/18/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9499-A / School of Accounting unidentified Professor, 06/18/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9502-A&B / Dedham - State of the Art Awards, 06/19/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9518-A&B / Continuing Education - Paralegal Awards, 06/30/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9523-A / New Student Services - El Building - Groups, 07/08/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9569-B / School of Business C.E.O. Breakfast - Albert Dunlap - Sunbeam, 08/20/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.
R9607-A / Paralegal Teaching Awards, 09/11/1997
Below is an index for R8362 - P747, 1995-1999, for the Jet negative collection.