Gay and Lesbian Labor Activists Network records
Content Description
The collection contains Gay and Lesbian Labor Activists materials from 1998 to 2006 organized by year. Materials include meeting minutes, membership lists, flyers, and information regarding programming. The Gay and Lesbian Labor Activists Network is a Boston-based, non-profit, membership organization established in 1987. It campaigns for lesbian and gay liberation, fights against homophobia in the labor movement, and educates the lesbian and gay community about the importance of unions, organized labor, and the struggles of working people. The Gay and Lesbian Labor Activists Network has provided support to mainstream union campaigns, represented gay issues at various unions' meetings, and campaigned for domestic partner benefits and non-discrimination language in employers' policies. Among its greatest achievements is its role in forming a national organization for lesbian and gay labor rights, Pride At Work, in 1994. Pride At Work became a constituency group of The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) in 1997, and the Gay and Lesbian Labor Activists Network is now considered a local Pride At Work organization Accessioned 2016 Jul 07. Add to M86. 43/4
Restrictions Apply
Use Restrictions
Requests for permission to publish material from this collection should be discussed with the University Archivist.
- Creation: 1998-2012
1 cubic feet (1 cubic foot in 1 record center carton.)
- Gay and Lesbian Labor Activists Network (Organization)
- Gay and Lesbian Labor Activists Network (Organization)
- Pride at Work (Organization) (Organization)