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Office of Institutional Advancement records

Identifier: A090


In 2001, the office of University Development and the Office of Alumni Relations merged under the name Office of Institutional Advancement. The Office of Institutional Advancement is responsible for overseeing the staff, budget, and operations of all alumni, corporate, and development activities.


  • Creation: 2001-2007


Language of Materials

Materials entirely in English.

Conditions Governing Access:

Records are closed for 25 years from their date of creation unless researchers have written permission from the creating office.

Conditions Governing Reproduction and Use:

Copyright restrictions may apply.

Historical Note

In 2001, the office of University Development and the Office of Alumni Relations merged under the name Office of Institutional Advancement. The position of Senior Vice President for Institutional Advancement was created to supervise and foster cooperation among the vice presidents for Development, Alumni Relations, and Corporate Partnerships. The Office of Institutional Advancement is responsible for overseeing the staff, budget, and operations of all alumni, corporate, and development activities and was responsible for directing Northeastern University's $200 million Leadership Campaign until its completion in 2006. In 2007, the Office of Institutional Advancement was renamed the Office of University Advancement.


Office of University Development combines with Office of Alumni Affairs and becomes the Office of Institutional Advancement. Robert Cunningham becomes Senior Vice President for Institutional Advancement.
Leadership Campaign to raise $200,000,000 in funds for the University reaches completion.
Diane MacGillivray appointed Senior Vice President for Institutional Advancement. Office of Institutional Advancement is renamed Office of University Advancement.


3 cubic feet (5 containers)

System of Arrangement:

Arranged into one alphabetical sequence.

Technical Access:

Media include VHS, Beta, and audio cassettes as well as DVDs and CD-ROMs.

Physical Location

32/1-2, 35/1-2, FF1/D1

Finding aid for the Office of Institutional Advancement Records
Finding aid prepared by Ellen Lassiter; updated by Abigail Cramer; updated by Caitlin Birch
March 2006, August 2011, February 2014
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections Repository

Snell Library
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston MA 02115 US