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Office of Communications records

Identifier: A107


The Office of Public Information was established by Northeastern University President Asa S. Knowles in 1959. In the mid-1980s, Senior Vice President for Public Affairs, James B. King divided the office into two subdivisions: University Relations and Public Relations. The Division of University Relations focused on internal communications while Public Relations focused on external relations. In 1986 the Office of Public Information became the Office of Communications whose mission was to promote and support the University's “position as leader in higher education by marketing its programs and educational philosophy and by publicizing its accomplishments and resources to a wide array of internal and external audiences.” The Office of Communications was renamed the Division of Marketing and Communications in 2004. The Division oversees public relations, branding, photography, and the production of informational and editorial publications and websites about the University. It consists of six departments: Communications and Public Relations, Web Services and Marketing, Creative Services, Northeastern University Magazine, the Northeastern Voice, and University Photography.


  • Creation: 1952-2004


Language of Materials

The material is in English.

Conditions Governing Access:

This collection is unrestricted.


3.35 cubic feet (4 containers)

System of Arrangement:

The collection is organized into two series: Series 1. Subject Files; and Series 2. Press Clippings and Releases.

Physical Location



Further accruals are expected.


  • Frederick, Antoinette.  Northeastern University Coming of Age: The Ryder Years 1975-1989.  Boston: Northeastern University, 1995. (229)
Finding aid for the Office of Communications Records
Finding aid prepared by Irina Tsiklik and Cheryl Ostrowski
April 2011
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections Repository

Snell Library
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston MA 02115 US