A510-1: Job Number 55-8365: Industrial area, Needham, MA (DFC)
Digital Record
Identifier: A510-0001.jpg
A510-2: Job Number 55-8366: Route 9 and Route 128, Massachusetts Department of Public Works building and cloverleaf intersection, Needham, MA (DFC)
Digital Record
Identifier: A510-0002
A510-3: Job Number 55-8367: Industrial area, Massachusetts Department of Public Works building, Needham, MA (DFC)
Digital Record
Identifier: A510-0003
Advertising/Illustration, Events, Famous People, Places, Prudential Insurance Company, 1938-1979 Index and Inventory
Digital Record
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/2047/D20289560
Lenscraft "4x5 Inch Aerial Negatives, 1955-1963" Inventory
Digital Record
Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/2047/D20289358